[…] with Makeup Life Love gives us un update on week […]
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Today’s post is all about how I am forming a habit, how I am feeling, and – yes, even losing weight on the Whole30. Almost too good to be true, right? This is how week 3 of the #Whole30Jan is going…
So I’ll be completely honest with you guys, writing this blog- has made me VERY accountable. Doing this Whole30 and sharing my weekly updates with you guys has literally made it so I am on my game, not cheating- not even tempted. I mean after last week and dreaming of dancing snickers and three tiered cakes- would you all have blamed me if I caved? You wouldn’t, right? Luckily, I didn’t. I stayed strong, pushed forever and weirdly am loving the way that I am feeling. Like A LOT!
When it comes to diets, my track record SUCKS. I mean seriously, it beyond sucks. I start and literally once I don’t see results- I give up. So going into the Whole30 I went in with the mindset of ‘ that this is NOT a diet Jamie, this is a lifestyle change’. Now I am not sure if that has actually helped my overall mindset or what, but either way, I have stood my ground and be consistent- no cheating, hardly any snacking, and overall my idea of food has kind of changed- weird? You see, as we talked about in week 1, it only takes 21 days to create an actual habit- and guess what? Today is officially day 21- hello habit formed! Even my workouts at OrangeTheory Fitness have been kicking my arse but I have been crushing it according to my midday training gal Megan. BTW, if you haven’t tried a class at OrangeTheory Fitness- you should! Think high interval training that helps you continue to burn calories sometimes as long as 72 hours after the workout- awesome, right! So while we are talking workouts and such, let’s jump into what I have learned so far during Week 3 of the Whole30…
Ok, I know what you are thinking? ‘Small changes? Ummmm… didn’t you literally just drop sugar, milk, grain and Diet Coke from your diet? How is that a small change, Jamie? ’ Well you are right, when it comes to diet- I made a MAJOR change- especially getting rid of the Diet Coke- for me that was killer. However, making the habit of planning my meals out so when I went the grocery store I was there with a purpose not just willfully wandering around thinking about all the items I can’t have. Weirdly, going to the grocery store with a list is almost liberating not to mention time-saving. It’s literally amazing how much time you save knowing EXACTLY what you need. Basically the moral of this is, if you want to curb the urge to cheat – SET YOURSELF up for success!
O-M-G you guys, my sleep is AMAZING! Literally unlike anything I have ever experienced. You see a few years ago I suffered from hard-core insomnia, however, it turned out I had ADHD and my years of not being diagnosed finally caught up to me disguised as insomnia. Either way, after dreaming of dancing twinkies and snickers- this my sleep is on its game. I am usually never one to sleep more than give or take 5 hours of sleep, but this past week I have been getting my solid beauty sleep of 8 hours and loving it.
Having fresh cut up cucumber slices, carrots, celery sticks and snap peas- make any random midday snacking urge so much easier. Just to be on the safe side I even carry my favorite trusty RX Bar in my purse so if I have the urge to out while running errands I won’t be tempted to roll through the drive thru. I have become a MAJOR fan of fresh carrots dipped in homemade guacamole or even the Wholly Guacamole cups. Another major fav is: homemade kale chips and sweet potato chips- so good!
Like I said last week, I picked up this book to help incorporate more meals via the Instant Pot. I mean I can’t even tell you how helpful this book of recipes is ESPECIALLY when you totally forgot what you meant to make and literally need to whip up something quick. So far I have made about 3 recipes and each one is pure perfection. The Instant Pot literally is the best invention EVER and a MUST HAVE in the kitchen.
- Hard boiled eggs – 9 minutes
- A perfectly cooked pot roast with side veggies and potatoes- 35 minutes
- Whole30 Chili- 30 minutes
- Chicken Breast- 16 minutes
I mean literally, the options are endless and pure perfection. Meals are easier, quicker and sooooo good. I am might be wrong, but I almost feel as though the Instant Pot holds flavor in food more too. Literally – so GOOD!
Next week is the last week of the Whole30, and I am weirdly almost kind of sad. I know some of my blogging buddies that are doing it with me are counting down the days until it is over. Honestly, I feel like I might keep going and make it a Whole60. Hmmmm… or maybe I’ll take a day or two off and jump back into a Whole30 again. I am not 100% sure yet, but whatever I decide I will totally keep you guys posts. In the meantime, make sure you are following along on social media with all of us using hashtag #Whole30Jan. Check out the links below and see how my fellow #Whole30Jan girls did.
- Kristin @ Taz and Belly
- Jaime @ Sunflowers and Stilettos
- Heather @ My Life Well Loved
- Jennifer @ Life In A Greenhouse
- Lindsey @ Life Lutzurious
- Ashley @ Two Peas In A Prada
- Lauren @ Lauren McBride
- Lauren @ A Lo Profile
- Tessa @ Tessa Lindsey Garcia
- Anna @ Fluerdille
- Kendra @ Citizens of Beauty
Need Whole30 inspiration? Pin 20 Whole30 Recipes HERE:
Whole 30 Whole30 Whole30 January Whole30 Recipes Whole30 Week 3 Review