Happy Wednesday everyone… I hope that your week has been going great so far, as we near the end of the week and are in need of that much needed Mid-Week Inspiration we start to work in overdrive when it comes to lists, to-do’s, or even trying to just figure out your weekend plans. This week’s Mid-Week Inspiration is something I often find myself struggling with at times a lot.
Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle!!!
It is very easy in the blogging world to start to compare yourself to that of many others. Whether it be what they have, all the cool perks they are receiving for being a blogger, or just overall their style. You know they always have said “Comparison is one of the nicest form of flattery”, however this can be a very slippery slope at times. It can be un-healthy at times in many different ways. When you start to try to hard to be like that of those that you compare yourself to, and start to lose who you truly are- that is when things can go downhill and I mean downhill very FAST! They don’t call ‘Envy’ one of the 7 deadly sins for nothing…
However at the end of the day, as hard as it might be “DON’T compare your beginning to someone else’s middle”, you never know what that person is going through; or what they had to give up in order to obtain that. When it comes to social media it is often a hard thing, to try and NOT do. Because lets face it, social media is how everyone tries to show the world how great their life is. But its just that- Its what I call “Social Media Perfect”. People don’t like everyone to know their dirty laundry, they like to have a facade that everything is perfect when deep down things can be crumbling.
So this week I challenge you- Be True to You. Stop being envious of someone else’s Social Media Perfect Life. Today is the day to start to ‘Enjoy and treasure YOUR life’ according to you. Treasure the life that God gave you. You might not have the life you want to have, but you have the life that HE wants you to have at this moment.
I often struggle with the fact that all of my close friends are married and many have children. They have these perfect lives; the complete imagine of everything that I thought by now I would have as well. When I find myself getting hard on myself for not having those things, I have to sit back and remember that every relationship, person, or instant in life happens all according to how HE the LORD wants it to happen. When the time is right, the time will be right. There are so many things that I want to do, and I am very fortunate to be able to do. Dreams I want to accomplish that I can without having any obligations. I often have to remind myself to Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding {Proverbs 3:5}.So take today to reflect on what you have and TREASURE it. Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle, because their Social Media perfect life might not be reality perfect.
So do something good for yourself today. Live your life and BE HAPPY!! Are you up for the challenge?!?!?
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