Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Target via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target.
As you all know I can be a bit of a creature of habit when it comes to makeup- that and probably everything else in general– what can I say? I like routines, you know? Lately I have been on quite a mission to start incorporating more green beauty into my makeup and skincare regimen, after all your skin absorbs almost 80% of the items and ingredients we put on it. So I have started to make more of an effort to be conscientious when it comes to what I am putting on my skin. So imagine my delight when I realized that Target.com started to carry a larger array of green makeup/beauty items. After endless perusing I think I might have just found my green beauty match made in heaven, all in the form of W3ll People.
W3ll People is one of the newest additions to the Target.com beauty lineup, and let me just say- the products seriously ROCK! The brand is a curated dream team in the green beauty world as it is composed of a makeup artist, a cosmetic dermatologist and an entrepreneur all with the same mission– to create positive choices in life when it comes to beauty and self care. W3ll People is a green beauty line that sincerely wants to create amazing products for people without any potentially harmful chemicals and ingredients. Beauty should be simple right? Seriously you all, this line will change your life when it comes to beauty. Streamlined, super cross-functional, and just simply stunning W3ll People is a line that YOU NEED to check out ASAP over at Target.com. I recently picked up a few items in the form of a bronze pigmented eye shadow, a beautiful bronzy rose blush, my dream cream in the form of a foundation stick and a few luminizing and brightening items thanks to their BIO Brightening Duo set. Eagerly I opened my new beauty items, and got to testing- and man I am impressed.
My interest with W3ll People while I was cruising Target.com was super piqued when I saw that they had a stunningly gorgeous brightening/illuminating stick. I instantly knew I HAD to order the brightening stick, and imagine my surprise when I went on Target.com and saw the W3ll People BIO Brightening Duo– $42 USD, this product is supermodel, highlighting amazingness in a tube. If you are looking to instantly brighten your complexion and blur all imperfections leaving you with smoother looking skin, then this is a MUST HAVE! I have been applying the brightening duo after I add the W3ll People Narcissist Foundation Stick– $39.75 USD, to the spots that I need some coverage and I am OBSESSED. The brightening duo paired with the Narcissist Foundation Stick is an “I woke up like this/ no makeup” makeup look to a T- trust me you all the whole strobing/highlighting has never looked so good. I mean I might even have to say, “My highlight is legit on fleek” ha ha- but seriously it is that good.
So with that being said, let’s whip out the goodies I ordered from theW3ll People beauty line off Target.com and give you the details on the two barely-there beauty looks I create for you using the W3ll People line.
The five minute face is super easy to achieve thanks the simplicity of the W3ll People beauty line. The products are so universal it makes life when you are in a rush super easy. The first look I created was the ‘barely there, no makeup’ look or as I like to call it “The Five Minute Sunkissed Face” all you need is 3 simple products- talk about easy, right?
STEP 1: Apply the W3ll People Narcissist Foundation Stick in just the areas that you require coverage. Start by warming up the foundation stick with your fingertips and press gently into the skin.
STEP 2: Apply the W3ll People BIO Brightening Stick down the center of the nose, the top of the brow bone, top of cheekbones and above the cupids bow. This will help give you an easy “glow from within.”
STEP 3: Apply the W3ll People Universalist Multi-Stick Luminous in shade Pink to the apples of the cheeks and blend upward to seamlessly blend color into the skin.
STEP 4: Apply the W3ll People Universalist Multi-Stick Luminous in shade Pink to lips. This will help give you a barely there, just bitten lip shade.
STEP 5: Add a coat of your favorite mascara and you are set to take on the day.
The next look is a bit more than 5 minutes, BUT it can be a simple transition look from the ‘Five Minute Sunkissed Face’. This look can be created with just 6 simple W3ll People products, and less than 10 minutes tops- gotta love that! From fresh faced to barely there fierce beauty.
STEP 1: Apply the W3ll People Narcissist Foundation Stick in just the areas that you require coverage. Start by warming up the foundation stick with your fingertips and press gently into the skin.
STEP 2: Apply the W3ll People BIO Brightening Stick down the center of the nose, the top of the brow bone, top of cheekbones and above the cupids bow. This will help give you an easy “glow from within”.
STEP 3: Top the brightening stick with a light application of the W3ll People BIO Brightening Powder this will help blur any imperfections. TIP: I like to add this underneath my eyes to help brighten up the area and give you an instant well-rested look.
STEP 4: Apply the W3ll People Universalist Multi-Stick Luminous in shade Pink to the apples of the cheeks and blend upward to seamlessly blend color into the skin.
STEP 5: For the eyes add a light dusting of the W3ll People Elitist Eyeshadow Powder in shade Cooper this will help add a bit of dazzle on the eyes while keeping it very ‘barely there’ and understated
STEP 6: Apply the W3ll People Purist Blush Powder on top of the same area that you applied the W3ll People Universalist Multi-Stick Luminous, this helps give your cheeks that extra added oomph to them and will help lock in long lasting color.
STEP 7: Apply the W3ll People Universalist Multi-Stick Luminous in shade Pink to lips. This will help give you a barely there, just bitten lip shade.
STEP 8: Add two solid coats of your favorite mascara to elongate and separate lashes all while giving your eyes a much-needed oomph.
So there you have it- extremely subtle, ‘No Makeup, Makeup’ complete all without any bad ingredients or nasty chemicals included. Two simple looks, with 6 simple products tops, beauty can’t get any easier than that. Time to continue browsing through Target.com to see what other items from W3ll People I need to grab ASAP- Oh checkbook, you are in for it…
Have you tried any items by W3ll People? If so what are your favorite products? How do you do ‘barely there’ beauty? Let me know in the comments below….
Find your style @TargetStyle
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Target via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target.
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beautykinguk says
Possibly not in my remit of knowledge but I quite like how plain yet really good quality the products look.
Jamie says
I totally agree with you. I am loving how simple and versatile the products are. They really are such great quality too!
Elena Toma says
I love your makeup, well done! Fresh face, natural and simply gorgeous. I never tried any of these products and is the very first time I hear about this brand. I like how they look, simple but nice design.
Beautyqueenuk says
OOh this isn’t a brand I have heard of but I do love the look you have created using them x
Laura says
I haven’t heard of this brand before but I love the gorgeous look you’ve created. So natural xxx
Nicol Wong says
i love how youve used the products in your looks!
Laura says
Its the first time I hear about this brand. Thanks for sharing these simple, but gorgeous makeup looks x
Pink Frenzy
Esha Gupta says
You have created such a lovely look with these goodies.